Hello, I'm Shreyash

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About Me

Shreyash Kumar Singh

I'm a

Date of Birth : 1 January 2001
Phone : +91 7459861775
City : Varanasi, India
Email : shreyashsingh17@gmail.com
Education : Electrical & Electronics Engineering Undergraduate
Institution : Indian Institute of Technology, Varanasi

Who am I?

I'm a self-taught programmer currently pursuing my B.Tech degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Varanasi in Electrical & Electronics Engineering. I have a great interest in the tech field and love to learn constatly about various new technologies & stuff. I love developing elegant looking websites with a clean and presentable design, a user friendly interface and a well structured code.

Apart from web development, I also have an interest in Competitive Programming. Other than coding, I love singing, playing the guitar, watching and playing football, and also writing

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Tech Details

What I Know

Front-End Development

Skilled in building elegant looking sites from scratch, using Bootstrap as CSS Framework. Proficient in Vanilla Javascript and a beginner in ReactJS. I'm a top CSS Developer at Sourcer.io and have developed the UI/UX for the startup Bambinos.in

I build fully responsive sites, accessible and compatible for all screen sizes.

Full-Stack Development

I use the MERN Stack, and built sites following RESTful routing with a well structured and organised code

In the learning phase for PHP

View my Resume

My Tech Stack

A list of the various languages, frameworks and utilities that I use

My Projects

A look at some of the things I've built so far...


ReactJS | Redux | Firebase | SASS | StripeJS

Large-scale E-commerce app built using React as Javascript Framework and Redux for state management, along with Firebase Authentication and Dummy Stripe Payemnts

NOTE : This site is not mobile-friendly as of yet


NodeJS | Express | MongoDB | Passport JS | EJS | RESTful routing

Created a full-stack campsite sharing application using NodeJS with Express as framework, and MongoDB as database. Has basic CRUD facility and user authentication using PassportJS


Fetch API | Asynchronous JS | Bootstrap

Search for meals using their key ingredients and get their entire recipe


Web Speech API | Speech Synthesis | Vanilla javascript

A text-to-speech web application built for speech impaired people to communicate with others


Vanilla Javascript | HTML5 | CSS

Date Picking Calender Library built from scratch using Vanilla Javascript

Github Finder

Fetch API | Github API

Using the Github API to fetch the data and repositories of Github users


PaperJS | HTML Canvas

A just-for-fun interactive, Patatap like site built using PaperJS

...and many more small-scale projects